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  • InduQin

China to step up aviation self-reliance by 2025 amid US tensions, Shanghai to manufacture key engine

Efforts by China to make its aviation industry more self-reliant will increase in the next five years, with plans in place to manufacture key parts for commercial engines in Shanghai by 2025.

China has also already started to produce a new wide-bodied passenger jet with Russia – the CR929 – amid growing restrictions from the aviation industry in the United States, according to a development plan released by the Shanghai government this week.

Shanghai is already home to the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac), which makes the home-grown narrow-bodied C919 passenger jet, with the plan setting out how the city will become the leader in the civil aviation industry in China in the next five years.

“Lingang New Area must build an open civil aviation industrial ecosystem and an international collaborative innovation system to, develop and guarantee domestically produced large aircraft and civil aviation engines, and realise independent control of core technologies and key links in the supply chain,” said the Shanghai government, quoting an unnamed representative from the Hi-tech Industry and Science and Technology Innovation Department of the Lingang New Area management committee.


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