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  • InduQin

Why The Rise Of India Is Impossible Without The Rise Of Hinduism? – Scathing Analysis

Hinduism has given us the incredible spiritual systems of Yoga and its great traditions of meditation and self-realization. India is home Sanskrit, conceivably the world’s greatest and oldest language. The irony is that Indians rather than embracing its own great traditions prefer to slavishly imitate the West.

A defeatist tendency exists in the psyche of modern Indians perhaps unparalleled in any other country today. An inner conflict bordering on a civil war rages in the minds of the country’s elite. The main effort of its cultural leaders appears to be to pull the country down or remake it in a foreign image as if little Indian and certainly nothing Hindu was worthy of preserving or even reforming.

The elite of India suffers from a fundamental alienation from the traditions and culture of the land that would not be less poignant had they been born and raised in a hostile country. The ruling elite appears to be little more than a native incarnation of the old colonial rulers who haughtily lived in their separate cantonments, neither mingling with the people nor seeking to understand their customs. This new English-speaking aristocracy prides itself in being disconnected from the very soil and people that gave it birth.


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