In applying the Vedic principles to our lives, the way we view politics and the system of leadership we choose will also be affected. There will be certain standards that we will want to maintain. When people who are not spiritually inclined, such as those who are atheistic, enter politics and become leaders by hook or crook, the whole atmosphere becomes increasingly covered with nescience and confusion. Such politicians may pose as having affiliations with some religion, but this is often done with a motive of getting in favour with people for the purpose of acquiring votes. Their real agenda is often hidden away and revealed much later. With such politicians in charge, beneficial programs meant for helping the poor or assisting with educational systems or the environment, often become reduced, cut back or are under-funded. Such funds that could be used for the benefit of the taxpayers are then diverted toward military development with the promise that it will make everyone more secure. Not knowing the duty of a good leader, such politicians engage in threatening and fighting with one another at the expense of the common people’s well being. Then in their distress, society may take spiritual life more seriously as they search for ways to find peace and solutions to their problems and help from God.
These unqualified politicians then mislead people by saying they are providing a brighter and more secure future through military engagement, but the damage done through such violence and destruction often leads to increased expenditures and years of difficulties that are spent recovering from wars and rebuilding what was damaged or destroyed. If society elects such political or religious leaders, they will not experience the relief and bright future they wish for. Such a leader is building a stone boat that is bound to sink along with everyone that follows him. Thus, he and his supporters create a dark future for everyone. In this way, they create hell on earth and are bound for hell after death. When determining your choices you must consider your own future, not merely in this present life, but in the hereafter as well.