Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said India produces milk worth Rs 8.5 lakh crore annually, more than the turnover of wheat and rice, and underlined that small farmers are the biggest beneficiaries of the dairy sector.
In a veiled dig at Congress, Modi said a former prime minister used to say that only 15 paise out of one rupee reaches (the beneficiaries) after leaving Delhi, but he ensures that the entire100 paise reaches the intended beneficiaries and gets deposited into the the account of farmers.
The prime minister was addressing a gathering at Diyodar in the Banaskantha district after inaugurating a new dairy complex and a potato processing plant of the Banas Dairy.
He said the cooperative dairy empowers small farmers, especially women, and strengthens the village economy.
"Today, India is the world's largest producer of milk. When the livelihood of crores of farmers depends on milk, India produces milk worth Rs 8.5 lakh crore annually. This is something that many, including renowned economists, fail to pay attention to.
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