India may see more than 100 matured, large-scale profitable or on path-to-profitability start-ups in the next five years, said Redseer Strategy Consultants. With about 20 of them already being listed, about 80 start-ups have the potential to look at an IPO journey in the same period, It added.
Almost all new-age tech startups that got listed in the last two odd years now trade at a significant discount. The big reason behind this is the global macro situation, as profits are a lot more valuable in the current situation.
However, things may be changing, the report added.
“Tech companies have now prioritized growth,” said the report by Redseer Strategy Consultants, authored in collaboration with HSBC.
The strategy consulting firm said India has significant room for growth in public market cap compared to other countries. This becomes even more pronounced when this is compared to the tech/new age ecosystem.
Read More at https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/ipo/india-may-see-80-startups-launch-their-ipos-in-next-5-years-redseer-9697971.html