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  • InduQin

Yoga is Not a Commodity, Nor a Shortcut

In this time of degeneration and decay, the Kaliyuga, we are witnessing a progressive expansion of ignorance which manifests itself under the variegated forms of erroneous knowledge (avidyā).

Wrong knowledge removes harmony with universal laws (dharma), feeds the profane passions of the ego that justify and exalt vices while mocking the Virtues (adharma). Avidyā and adharma generate behaviors (rajas) linked to the worst instincts, which push downwards, towards coarseness, dark thickness (tamas).

The imbalance that generates disharmony expands like wildfire, not even sparing the sacred ground of Tradition, the sanctuary of Harmony (sattva).

It is therefore necessary, on the part of all sincere searchers (jijñāsā) who have undertaken the path (sadhana) towards liberation-Enlightenment (mōkṣa), to strengthen with determination (abhyāsa), detachment (vairāgya) and the attention capacity (vitarka) discriminating (vicāra) between true knowledge (vidyā) and false knowledge (avidyā).

First of all in oneself, remaining firmly anchored to the crystalline sources of Tradition (sanātana dharma) and its sacred texts (śruti and smṛti).

Yoga, in this purifying action (kriya), is and remains a powerful tool, a method of great efficacy. The architecture of Yoga rests on solid foundations: Yama and Niyama clearly establish the Duties and Observances to be put into practice in every moment of existence.

Yoga is transformation, transmutation, purification; otherwise is not Yoga.


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