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  • InduQin

Vedic and Shamanic Retreat to Unlock Ancient Indian Connections to South America

Jonathan West is on a mission to set up a Sanatana Dharma Vedic and Shamanic Retreat in Ecuador in South America. His retreat hopes to combine the Shamanic tradition of South America and Vedic traditions of India.

In this interview with CSP he talks about his dream and why it is important to realise it.

Why are you setting up this retreat combining the beautiful traditions of Indian and South America?

The retreat is to provide a space for people of the world to go, find peace and heal. The retreat is to provide a space for all to come to explore their inner Self and their connection to divine. To meditate, practice and learn Yoga, work with Shamans and Gurus, to conduct ceremony, to learn and expand their consciousness and find their connection to Self. A safe space for all seekers, not just Hindus, but because of the truths I have personally realized, Sanatan Dharma and Shamanic traditions will be the focus. It will be setup as a non-profit and will be made available to all, regardless of income level and focus on keeping prices reasonable just enough to cover costs supporting Shamans, Gurus, and food. I do not want any of our fellow brothers and sisters to be denied based on financial ability. For those unable to afford the retreat financially, I will offer work exchange allowing seekers to stay up to the full term of the Ecuadorian visa of three months. As the retreat will be open to all, it is also my hope that a retreat like this will help heal the gap we find created by Abrahamic faiths of the world working against Sanatan Dharma and other polytheistic and pagan traditions in the world.

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