He was an astronomer, astrologer, scientist, polymath. This ancient Indian scientist wrote the Brihat Samhita, a comprehensive encyclopaedia of the sciences. His book Pahcasiddhantikd is a treatise on mathematical astronomy and more, where he also gave references to five older astronomical treatises. He learnt Greek. In Pahcasiddhantikd, he also described Western astronomy, especially Greek with elements of Roman and Egyptian, which corroborate his expertise in the subject beyond India. Horn Shastra also called Brihadjathaka is his book on astrology', which is a treasurehouse of information for astrologers and astro-researchers. He excelled in myriad subjects, from astronomy, astrology', mathematics, timekeeping, perfumes to hydrology, geology, ecology, temple architecture, optics and many more. He is Varahamihira, also popular as Varaha and Mihira.
When was Varahamihira born? Brian Evans in his book The Development of Mathematics Throughout the Centuries: A Brief History in a Cultural Context describes Varahamihira’s timeline at 505 - 587 CE. This is the timeline that history' textbooks and mainstream narratives cite and acknowledge. Vedveer Arya’s book Chronology> of India puts it at 25th or 26th March 146 BCE - 74 BCE; the author is backed by several evidences to this claim. Going by Vedveer Arya’s reference, Varahamihira lived over 2000 years ago. To quote from Vedveer Arya’s Chronology of India, “A verse from a lost text named Kutuhalamahjari informs us that Varahamihira was born in the 8th tithi of the bright half of Chaitra month, in Java samvatsara and the year 3042 of Yudhisthira era. The era of the son of Surya-Sunu is identical with the epoch of 3188 BCE when Yudhisthira ascended the throne of Indraprastha. Thus, the year 3042 was 146 BCE which was also the Jaya saiiivatsara. Since Varahamihira died in 74 BCE, Jaya samvatsara of 146 BCE was indeed his birth year. He was born on Chaitra Sukla Astami, i.e., 25/26 Mar 146 BCE. Thus, we can accurately fix the lifetime of Varahamihira around 146-74 BCE.”
A verse from a lost text named “Kutuhalamahjari” informs us that Varahamihira was born in the 8lh tithi of the bright half of Chaitra month, in Jaya samvatsara and the year 3042 of Yudhisthira era
Read More at https://www.myindiamyglory.com/2021/01/28/varahamihira-contribution-to-hydrology-geology-astronomy/