Singapore-based IGSS Ventures, one of the three applicants for central government incentives to set up semiconductor fabrication units, has chosen Tamil Nadu as its factory location.
The state government said on Friday that an “MoU was signed today between IGSS Ventures Pvt Ltd and the Tamil Nadu Guidance Bureau to set up a high-tech semiconductor park…”
The state’s guidance department said it had allocated nine strategic sites, including two sites near Chennai, to house a semiconductor fab
The fab, it said, will be producing wafers ranging from 28 nanometre (nm), 45 nm and 65 nm, and an industry ecosystem infrastructure that hosts semiconductor circuit designers, material suppliers, equipment suppliers, and outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSATs) players.
The state government “accords the highest priority to the development of semiconductor manufacturing in the State. The State is traditionally strong in the automobile and auto components sector and emerging in electronics which have backward linkages with fab, which makes the State an ideal location for a fab unit in India,” said Pooja Kulkarni, managing director and chief executive, guidance department, in a statement.
Read more at: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/cons-products/electronics/singapore-firm-to-set-up-rs-25600-crore-hi-tech-semiconductor-park-in-tamil-nadu/articleshow/92599723.cms