The Indian Navy's swift rescue of a critically injured Chinese mariner off Mumbai's coast on July 24 garnered China's heartfelt appreciation. Despite challenging conditions, an Indian naval helicopter airlifted the 51-year-old from the cargo ship 'Zhong Shan Men', ensuring prompt medical care and eventual transfer to China. This collaborative effort, amid tensions, underscores the power of unity in saving lives, as acknowledged by the Chinese Foreign Ministry.
In a heartwarming display of international cooperation and goodwill, the Indian Navy's swift and decisive action saved the life of a critically injured Chinese mariner, drawing gratitude from China. The 51-year-old seafarer, facing a life-threatening situation with heavy blood loss, was rescued from a cargo ship off the Mumbai coast on July 24.
Amidst challenging conditions of choppy waters and strong winds, an Indian naval helicopter flew approximately 370 km from Mumbai to airlift the mariner from the bulk carrier 'Zhong Shan Men'. Prompt medical care was provided, ensuring his stabilization before being transferred back to China.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian extended profound appreciation to the Indian authorities for their timely and effective response. The mariner, now in stable condition and on the path to recovery, serves as a testament to the successful collaboration between nations during emergencies.
Despite existing tensions, the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), Mumbai, worked closely with the Indian Navy to facilitate the seamless evacuation of the patient. This operation exemplifies the spirit of humanity and solidarity, transcending borders and conflicts for a common cause of saving lives.