Is there an Indian model of leadership? If so, how is it different from the Western model? Furthermore, can such a model be successfully taught, promoted, and utilised worldwide, not just in India? Such questions have exercised us for a long time without clear-cut answers.
Management schools in India and elsewhere, trying to conceptualise Indian ideas of leadership, have also a long way to go before any recognisable and widely acceptable paradigms emerge. Without the latter, however, the pedagogic utility of cultural and civilisational difference can only be limited to theoretical speculations or general discussions.
More than previous regimes in India, it is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s BJP-led government which has taken up this question seriously. In September 2020, Modi launched “Mission KarmaYogi,” or to cite its official name, the National Program for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB).
The Union Cabinet approved the programme, with a modest budget of Rs10.86 crore spread over 5 years devoted to enhancing the skills and augmenting the capacities of Indian civil servants.