75th Independence Day: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort. During his 1.5 hour-long address, Prime Minster Modi touched on wide range of subjects including economy, infrastructure, Atma Nirbhar Bharat, and social welfare schemes launched in the past few years. The Prime Minister also laid out his vision for next 25 years and what his government is going to do in the near future.
List of 6 BIG Announcements ‘Gati Shakti’ - National Master Plan
Prime Minister Modi said that along with modern infrastructure, there is a need for adopting a holistic and integrated approach in infrastructure construction.
“We are going to launch National Master Plan of Prime Minister ‘Gati Shakti’ which will be a huge scheme and fulfill the dreams of crores of countrymen. This scheme of more than 100 lakh crores rupees will result in new employment opportunities for lakhs of youth," he said.
The Gati Shakti will be a National Infrastructure Master Plan, which will lay the foundation of holistic Infrastructure and will lead to an integrated and holistic pathway to our economy. “Right now, there is no coordination between our means of transport. Gati Shakti will break the silos, and will remove all these obstacles. This will reduce the travel time for the common man and the productivity of our industry will also increase," PM Modi said.
75 Vande Bharat Trains
The country has resolved to celebrate the Amrit Mahotsav of independence. You would know that we have decided to celebrate this Amrit Mahotsav of independence for 75 weeks. It started from 12th March and will continue till 15th August, 2023. We have to move forward with new enthusiasm and, therefore, the country has made a very important decision. During these 75 weeks of the Amrit Mahotsav of Independence, 75 Vande Bharat trains will connect every corner of the country. The pace at which new airports are being built in the country and the UDAN scheme connecting remote areas is unprecedented. We can see how better air connectivity gives new flights to people's dreams
Read More at https://www.livemint.com/news/india/75th-independence-day-six-major-announcements-made-by-pm-modi-11629021895036.html